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Recommended Trailer Hitch, Wiring, and Ball Mount for Towing with a 2004 Dodge Dakota  


I need a hitch and everything so I can tow with my 04 Dakota. What do you recommend?


Expert Reply:

The trailer hitch I recommend for your 2004 Dodge Dakota is the etrailer Trailer Hitch Receiver # e53AR because it has a hidden crosstube and a matte black finish which means it will be a bit more durable than the classic glossy black finish you see on the other hitch options.

To add basic wiring I recommend the T-One # 118323 which tees in behind your lights for a simple installation. If you're needing to use a brake controller like the Prodigy P2 # 90885 then you'll also need to install the Universal Wiring Kit # ETBC7.

To complete your towing setup I recommend picking up the B&W Tow & Stow 3-Ball Mount # BWTS10048B and Locking Hitch Pin # 34061075-D. This ball mount not only has height adjustability but it also has the 3 most common hitch ball sizes so you will be able to use this with virtually any trailer you end up towing.

Attached are some review videos for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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