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Parts Needed and Method to Install Curt Trailer Brake Controller on 2007 Chevy Silverado  


I order this brake controller for my Chevy silverado 2007 ,my question is Do I need another part fuses,adapter etc can you let me know please .


Expert Reply:

You may or may not need an additional wiring harness to install the # C84VV. If your 2007 Chevy Silverado is the new body style you will not necessarily need the harness, but if it is a Classic you will need harness # C51352 because there is a port under the dash on the floor, on the far left. One end plugs into the controller, the other end plugs into the port.

The port is located in a junction box. There is a black cover on the box. Remove the cover and plug in the harness in the top row, second sport over from the left.

If you have the new body style then there is no port but there are blunt cut tow package wires under the dash, to the left of the steering column held together with a white tag. If the wires are long enough you can just cut off the plug at the end of the brake controller. If they are not long enough you need universal harness # C51515.

You will connect the wires to the new body style tow package wiring as follows:

Brake controller white to truck white for ground
Brake controller black to truck red for 12 volt power
Brake controller blue to truck dark blue for output to trailer brakes
Brake controller red to truck light blue for input to brake controller

If there is an orange wire it is not needed.

For either the Classic or New Body styles there may be additional connections you will need to make under the hood to make everything work. I have included links to 2 FAQ articles covering each style for you.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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