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How to Clean Up the Excess Wire When Installing the LED Trailer Tail Light  


At 9:15 in the video, the presenter states that the excess wire should be tied up, but he does not state how. How do I tie up the excess wire?


Helpful Expert Reply:

In the video for the LED Trailer Tail Light # STL56RB the presenter states that they "would take some time to clean up the wires". Essentially they are just talking about getting the wires pulled up together and secured so they are not hanging down loose.

There is not a set way to do this, it is going to depend on your individual situation. Depending on your trailer set-up you may have more or less wire hanging loose. You could simply take a couple zip ties (cable ties) like the Deka Cable Ties Kit # DW05727-10 and zip tie the wires together and then zip tie that wire bundle to the trailer to keep it up out of the way.

expert reply by:
Scott S

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