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What Replacement Parts Do I Need For My Solera Awning  


I have a solero awning on my 2021 jayco 25RB, the awning did not tip when it was raining and the tipping arm where it pivots broke, I need to know how do I know what size and how to determin which model I have the sticker says V000431840, or RPO004451975,, I need the arm that pivots and gas strut,,


Expert Reply:

Without seeing your awning, I have no idea of how many parts you might need. I do know you have the Solera Awning, model V000431840. If you need to replace this awning's entire single arm assembly, which is the pitch arm and the gas strut, you will need the Replacement Short Arm Assembly for RV Awnings - 63" Long - Black, part # LC404523. This comes with everything you need, including the retainer washers. (The washers need to be replaced after you remove the pitch arm and gas strut.)

If you do not need the entire assembly you can get each individually. In order to replace the pitch arm you would need the following, the Replacement Pitch Arm Assembly for Solera XL 63" Flat Awning Support Arm - Black, part # LC67VR, and three of the Replacement Retaining Washers for Solera Pitch Arm Assembly - Qty 1, part # LC431583. In order to replace the gas strut you will need the following, the Solera Gas Strut, 124 to 144 lbs for Pitched Awning Arms, part # LC260282 and two of the Retainer Washers.

I have included product description links and a video demo link below.

expert reply by:
Mark Smith

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