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Which Solar Panel Should I Use to Keep Battery Charged That Runs Trailer Jack  


I have Bulldogs largest electric jack on my trailer and have to recharge deep cycle battery about every 2 weeks. What size solar panel do I need to keep battery charged?


Expert Reply:

You can use the Go Power Eco Solar Charging System with Digital Solar Controller - 10 Watt Solar Panel # 34273836 if you use the battery for any other electronics on the trailer. This will provide 3.42 amp hours of charging power and will allow you to make sure that you're always able to use your Bulldog # BD500200 jack even if the battery has been sitting unused for some time.

If you just use the battery to power the jack, the 2.5-Watt Solar Battery Charger # PTW2997 might be a more cost effective solution, but I always like to make sure there is a little extra in case the battery is being used for anything else.

I've linked a review video of these kits, as well as a helpful article you can check out that explains how to calculate the solar power you need to keep your battery charged.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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