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Can the Buyers Products Door Check Be Used with a Lower Door Closer  


We have a 2017 Lance Model 1985 TT with entry door designed to stand open at 90 degrees If the door goes back further, it hits an awning style window if open, or the side of the trailer if not. It has a light weight door closerinch at the bottom that holds the door in place at 90 degrees - until a blast of wind comes along and slams the door back against the side, destroying the closer. Dealer tried a heavier bed closerinch and it was far too strong - gradually bent the frame in closing. So 1 Will this check hold the door open at 90 degrees regardless of which way the wind blows? 2 Is there any reason not to use it at the top of the door in conjunction with the existing closer at the bottom? 3 The screen door latches onto the hard door when closing will this check normally fit and work in that arrangement? And a comment: It would be very helpful if your photos or video showed this product actually installed on a TT. Sorry...trailer is in storage, so no picture.


Expert Reply:

I'll try to answer these in order for you. First, the Buyers Products Door Check and Hold Back # 337BM2395AA11 does hold the door open at a 90 degree angle with 30-lbs of pressure, so as long as it's not a heavy wind it should hold everything just fine; your lower closer should help give this some added strength and resistance against the wind as well in this case. There is not a way to lock this in place though, so it's not going give you complete resistance to wind.

Second, I don't see any reason why it can't be used in conjunction with the lower closer and that will help make it more sturdy to fight off heavier winds.

Third, this door check mounts inside the door jam to the top of the door frame and won't interfere with closing the door and your door will still latch.

If you're actually looking for a solution to completely lock the door into place you may want to consider the Kwikee T-Style Door Holder w/ Bumper for RVs - 6" Long # LC381412, which installs T-stoppers that can be used to hold your screen door open.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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