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Recommended Under Bed Mounted 5th Wheel Hitch for 2020 Ford F-150 Short Bed w/o Tow Prep Package  


Which fifth wheel hitch is recommended for a 2020 Ford F-150 with the 6-1/2 foot bed? I don't have the pucks, but I wish I did because the idea of having the rails sitting in my truck bed forever after doesn't thrill me to death.


Expert Reply:

We have the perfect solution that would allow you to install a fifth wheel without using the permanently mounted bed rails like what are typically seen.

The B&W Companion system is an extremely popular option because it actually uses their # BW77FR Turnover Ball gooseneck hitch as the under bed mount for attaching the # BWRVK3400-5W sliding hitch. A sliding fifth wheel hitch is recommended for 6-1/2 foot bed trucks to provide proper clearance between the front of the fifth wheel and the back of the truck cab. Among other benefits, this will give you the ability to tow both 5th wheel and gooseneck hitches, without having any obstructions remaining in the truck bed once the fifth wheel hitch is removed. The Companion fifth wheel hitch uses a massive 1 inch thick jaw that keeps a very tight grip on the king pin for a smooth and comfortable ride.

You also might be interested in a wiring harness to install a 7-way trialer connector in your truck bed. I'd recommend # PK11893-11932-010

expert reply by:
Mike L

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