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Best Bike Rack for Step-Through Electra Townie Bike with Fenders  


I have a townie step through with fenders. You recommend the Malone for bikes with fenders, but have no videos of possible ways to secure the bike to the frame. I am short and my bike seat is down on the stem as far as it can go, and likewise my handlebars, so using a detachable cross bar is less than ideal as I dont want to readjust my bike fit every time we load/unload. Can We lower the pivoting arm and attach it to the bike at the bottom of the step-through? Or anchor the hook in front of the front tire fender? I keep coming back to this brand/model as it meets so many of our other requirements/wish list of features...Would it be possible for you to video loading a step through bike onto a Malone rack?


Expert Reply:

I have the perfect bike rack for your Electra Townie and for this I recommend the Saris Freedom 2 Bike Platform Rack part # SA4412B. The reason I recommend this bike rack over the Malone rack is because you don't need to use an adapter bar at all. The unique frame clamp system will attach to the lowermost portion of the frame which you can see in the attached photo.

According to my research, the Electra Townie weighs around 35 lbs and the Pilot only has a 33 lb per bike weight capacity so it would most likely not work for you anyhow. The Freedom is also much lighter than the Pilot at only 22.5 lbs and is made in the USA.

The only difference is that the Pilot comes with locks but you can add locks to the Freedom using part # SA3022 for the rack and part # SA981 for the bikes.

expert reply by:
Conner L
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Pat profile picture



Hi Conner - I just bought an Elektra step through bike, June 2024 (2nd hand). With the Saris Freedom 2 Bike platform Rack still be your recommendation? I have some physical limitations - need something lightweight and easy to remove from the vehicle, also the ratchet straps can't be fussy because I have fingers that easily dislocate, and post surgery, I need it to be especially simple to secure the bike. Thanks!

BryceD profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Bryce D.


@Pat Hey Pat, yes the Saris Freedom # SA4412B would be what I suggest. This bike rack is only 22 lbs, so it's super light and would be easy to move from vehicle to vehicle. The ratchet straps are also pretty easy to manipulate, and will be able to hold a 60 lb per bike capacity for a total of 120 lbs.
Pat profile picture



@BryceD perfect, thank you so much for the quick response! :)
BryceD profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Bryce D.


@Pat You bet!
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