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How to Program Replacement MaxxAir Remote with MaxxAir Roof Vent  


How to you program a new remote to an older MaxxAir fan?


Expert Reply:

I spoke with my contact at MaxxAir who said that if you lost the remote to your MaxxAir fan there is no programming that has to be done when using a replacement remote.

Part # MA00A01150K is already compatible with all MaxxAir fans that have intake/exhaust functions and part # MA00A01151K is compatible with all MaxxAir fans that are exhaust only.

If your older MaxxAir fan did not originally come with a remote then you will need to upgrade your MaxxAir fan to one that has remote controller capability built into it like part # MA00-07500K.

expert reply by:
Jon G
Jay D. profile picture

Jay D.


I have the Maxxair fan MA00-07500K & I lost the remote during the conversion of my sprinter van. I ordered the MA00A01151K remote from trailer but it does not automatically work with the fan. Do I need to disconnect power & try to sync the remote?

JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


@JayD Thanks for reaching out! I think the issue is the remote # MA00A01151K you said you purchased is for MaxxAir roof vents that can only exhaust. Since you have the MaxxFan Deluxe # MA00-07500K you need the remote # MA00A01150K which works for vents that have both intake and exhaust features.
JayD profile picture

Jay D.


@JonG thanks Jon, if I order the correct remote will I be able to return the incorrect remote for a refund? I can use the packaging from the correct remote to return the incorrect remote. It was totally my fault for ordering the incorrect remote. I ordered it about 3 months ago but just now started getting my van ready from being winterized. Thanks
JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


@JayD No worries! I don't have the ability to handle returns but I've sent in a note to our customer service team to reach out to you about this and I'm linking our returns policy for you to check out!
Celeste M. profile picture

Celeste M.


Hi, I had an older Maxx fan deluxe that had to be replaced. When I purchased the new one from you, I felt reassured that I would be able to use the old remote as a secondary since it’s nice to be able to control from 2 locations in our RV. What we discovered, however, is that the old remote controls everything but the change in direction even though the computer is remote has a change of direction button. Pressing that button simply shuts the new fan off. Do you know if there is any sort or reprogramming that could fix this?

JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


@CelesteM I've tried reaching out to MaxxAir on your behalf, but they haven't gotten back with me yet. Does the new remote act this way as well or is it just the old remote?
CelesteM profile picture

Celeste M.


@JonG it’s just the old one. Both fans are identical (obv the newer has newer firmware etc), both remotes are identical, all of the same buttons but when you press the change of direction button on the old remote it shuts the new fan down. The new remote DOES change direction correctly.
JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


@CelesteM Yeah, that sounds like the way it was programmed and something internally is causing that to happen like what you said. I would be surprised if there is any kind of update that can be done to the remote to make it work properly so I recommend placing some kind of marker on your remotes so you can remember which one is the newer and which is the older one so you know if that direction button will work or not.
See All (4) Replies to Celeste M. ∨
Chase profile picture



Does the 4401k model work with the 00A01150K remote if they didn't come together

JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


@Chase The MaxxFan Roof Vent w/ 12V Fan # MA00A04401K is an exhaust-only vent so you need the remote part # MA00A01151K instead.
Shawn J. profile picture

Shawn J.


Lol... good luck re-pairing a remote that use to work! I have 4 fans and only 1 works with a remote now! I also was notified that Maxxair made a mistake on the mother boards and didn't seal the backs from moisture so now 2 fans I had to bypass the original controls and add my own switch. Maxxair wants $200 for the replacement motherboard that they messed up on... what a joke! It's widely known all over youtube about this failure by them. Others are taking their fans apart and spraying the motherboard with a sealant so moisture doesn't cost them $200 and the fun of repairing it themselves. Fun when the motors start dying to. 2 motors and 2 motherboards bypassed. Now my 4 maxxair fans work half ass. Great job maxxair! STAY AWAY... I'M LOOKING TO REPLACE ALL 4 WITH A COMPETITORS!

JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


@ShawnJ Thanks for your input, although your situation definitely sucks and I'm surprised Maxxair isn't warrantying those out for you if they've been damaged. With that being said, I do think it's worth mentioning that the newer Maxxair units do have better motherboards in them that are less susceptible to moisture so the issue you're describing is a certain generation thing. All of the Maxxair units that we currently have are equipped with the new motherboards.
Shawn J. profile picture

Shawn J.


I just replied and maxxair wouldn't post it because it exposed the truth that's all over youtube about failed Quality Control! I own 4 fans and have problems with 3 of them. Big problems. Repair motherboards are over $200 because they didn't fix the problem before they sent them out.

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