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Quick Link Availability that has 10k Capacity for Use with Safety Chains  


Hi I am writing because the safety chains that came on my RV are just a link or two too short. Would a product like this help instead of getting new chains? My RV is about 7500 lbs I just need something to hook the safety chains into on my truck and these I was thinking I could mount on my trucks hitch then hook the chains up to these if of course they are the right rated weight for my application?


Expert Reply:

The part # RM-910022 is rated for 6,000 lbs so would not be a good choice for your setup that tows a 7,500 lb trailer but the part # C82932 has a 3,300lb safe working load capacity and 16,500lb break strength capacity, which would be way to go.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
Nevin C. profile picture

Nevin C.


Jameson, your answer makes no sense. Why would a 3300lb capacity chain link be better/stronger than a 6000lb one? Is safe working load capacity the same as weight rating? Plus, you know that we always tow with two safety chains. I'm asking because I need to lengthen the safety chains for my 10,000lb GVWR trailer.

JamesonC profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jameson C.


@NevinC The 6k rated set is for the pair as a total whereas the other chain is rated individually. That said the Curt is rated higher and would be the safer choice.

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