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Replacement Brake Pads and Wheel Cylinder for 10 Inch Hydraulic Brake Assemblies on Boat Trailer  


I need to replace the shoes and wheel cylinders on my boat trailer. It has 10 surge brakes. Im not sure of the manufacturer. I can send a picture. Can you help? Thanks.


Expert Reply:

Recommending replacement components like brake pads and a wheel cylinder for a hydraulic brake assembly without knowing who manufactured it would be very difficult. Are there any part numbers or manufacturer information on them?

Without any manufacturer information, your best bet would be to simply replace the entire assembly. This way, you'll have all new parts and you'll know your brake assemblies will be good to go for a few years.

For a boat trailer, I'd recommend using galvanized brake assemblies. If your surge couple doesn't have a reverse lockout, you'll want to use free-backing brakes like # 40716-15. If you don't need free backing brakes, I'd recommend # DMSB18794M-93M.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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