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Replacement Panel For Obsolete MagneTek 6415  


Is this converter an appropriate replacement for the Magnetek 6415? Also, does it provide smoothed DC output the 6415 didntso that I can alll items through the converter instead of directly to my battery?


Expert Reply:

I wish it was, but the # PD4635V is not confirmed to fit your MagneTek 6415. Since your 6415 has been discontinued there is no longer a replacement converter available for it.

The only option would be replacing the entire panel with the Progressive Dynamics # PD4135K which is the closest available replacement option. This panel will have smooth DC output like you are wanting, and how your 6415 was supposed to be.

I included a video of the # PD4135K for you to take a look at.

expert reply by:
Samuel C
Darrell profile picture



I’m newbe. Is there an installation video on the 4100 replacing my magneTek 6415. My camper is an older one. Thanks!

SamuelC profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Samuel C.


@Darrell we do not have a video replacing your specific Magnetek 6415. I did include a video of Ryan installing the above unit for you to check out. If you check it out and aren't comfortable doing the swap, it would be best to have an electrician or RV tech do the swap for you.

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