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4-Leaf or 3-Leaf Replacement Leaf Springs For Tandem Axle Boat Trailer  


Hello I was wondering what leaf springs I need for my boat trailer tandem axle. There are 2” square tube and have 4 springs that are 25 1/4” by 1 3/4” Double loop ends but my trailer label says it GAWR is 2500lbs. The drum brakes are 10”. Could they be springs for a 3200 lbs axle? They all seem to have original factory paint so I don’t think they have been replaced yet. Thanks for the help.


Expert Reply:

It sounds like your trailer may have heaver duty axles like 3200lb or 3500lb instead of the 2500lb axles your GAWR rating implies.

Based on your measurements and your current springs having 4 leaf's I recommend going with the 4-Leaf Double-Eye Spring for 3,500-lb Trailer Axle # e54SR which are still 25 1/8" long an 1 3/4" wide but have are a 4-leaf system where the 2500lb springs are 3-leaf. These springs will work even if you do have a 2500lb axle, but may be stiffer ride on the lighter axle.

If you do in fact have 2500lb axles you can use the Universal Group 3-Leaf Double-Eye Spring for 2,500-lb Trailer Axles # e66SR which are 25 1/8" long and 1 3/4" wide which would offer a smoother ride.

expert reply by:
Samuel C

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