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Replacement Rubber Roof Vent Weather Seal Gasket  


Hi guys, There must be another option besides letting Ventline Rip us off. When I found my plastic cover in my driveway, I replaced it with a metal lid. Then I used foam tape and stuck it to the lid. No leaks in the snow. Does anybody make a similar product that has the groove in it? Thanks


Expert Reply:

You will want the Replacement Weather Seal for Ventline E-Z Lift Ventadome Trailer Roof Vents - 51" Long # BVE0127-00 or # BVD0455-01. This has the groove on one side and the compressed O weather seal on the other. I've attached a video to assist.

Other than these options, you can use the D-Shaped Rubber Seal for Enclosed Trailer - Stick On - 25' Long x 1/2" Tall # 362WS1463-25 which doesn't have the groove, but does have the adhesive. The issue here is that for the seal on top you'd need to carefully cut the adhesive part of the seal to fold around the lip without damaging the actual seal.

expert reply by:
Jason S

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