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Replacement Brake Shoes for Dexter 12x2 Nev-R-Adjust Brake Assemblies  


Seeking brake shoes and new bearing that have grease fittings buddy bearings.


Expert Reply:

Assuming that you have the Dexter # 23-458 and # 23-459 Nev-R-Adjust brake assemblies, you'd need the # K71-676 for the right side and # K71-675 for the left side. The correct Bearing Buddy for you will depend on which outer bearing your hubs use. 15123 or 14125A are the most common. If the outer bearing is 15123, you'd use # BB2441SS. If you can't make out the reference number on the outer bearing, you can simply measure the inside diameter of the hub bore. For the 15123 outer bearing, the bore diameter will be 2.441 inches. If your outer bearing is 14125A with a hub bore of 2.717 inches, you'd use # BB2717SS. If your outer bearing is different or if you get a different hub bore measurement, let me know and I'd be happy to make a recommendation. Because a ruler won't provide a precise enough measurement, you'd need to use a digital caliper like # PTW80157 when you measure the inside hub bore dimension.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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