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Lippert Ground Control 2.0 Reset to Fix Leveling Legs Not Wanting to Lower  


What is the procedure testing the sensor? The harness is good and if the sensor is unplugged I get a fault on the touch pad.


Expert Reply:

Sounds like the panic stop you had to do with your Ground Control 2.0 possibly caused an internal bug on your system. We've spoken with Lippert in the past about resetting the GC systems and they have told us that you need to cut the power supply to the system for about 15 minutes and it will reset itself.

That should take care of the problem, but if it does not let me know and we can troubleshoot further.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
Denis profile picture



I have already tried leaving the power off to the unit over night.

JamesonC profile picture

Jameson C.


I heard back from Lippert about your problem and they sent me back the following: This could be 1 of 2 issues at this point. Either the rear leveling sensor is faulty or the front leveling controller is faulty. To rule out the rear sensor, the customer will need to do a continuity test on the harness and the rear sensor itself. The rear sensor will be located behind the rearmost axle about 2-3 foot. It will be mounted on a frame tab. If the rear sensor and harness test good, replace the leveling controller. Most of the time there's an issue with the sensors the problem is actually a connection to it and not the sensor so check connections too. The controller will be located in the front compartment, under the upper deck screwed to the ceiling.
Denis profile picture



What is the procedure testing the sensor? The harness is good and if the sensor is unplugged I get a fault on the touch pad.
JamesonC profile picture

Jameson C.


To test the rear harness, you will unplug it and do a continuity test on the sensor itself. The harness plugs in at the controller with a 3 pin connector and then at the sensor. They will test the sensor the same way you test the harness.If there is any continuity then the sensor/harness is faulty and needs replacing. If you unplug the sensor and gets an external sensor error, then more than likely the sensor and harness is good.

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