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Towed Vehicle Braking Systems Designed for Use with Motorhomes with Air Brakes  


I have a 2012 Itasca suncruiser 32h the previous owner had installed air pump with a quick disconnect at back of coach for breaking system he had for his toad what system would I need to get for my toad ?


Expert Reply:

We do offer towed car braking systems designed to work with motorhome air brakes. The SMI Air Force One # SM99243 is a great example and this toad braking system and others appear on the linked page.

The 2012 Winnebago Itasca M-32H Class A motorhome is built on a Ford F-53 chassis which has hydraulic disc brakes as standard equipment. I confirmed with Winnebago that air brakes were not a factory option for the 2012 Itasca Suncruiser M-32H.

Converting an F-53 chassis RV to air brakes would have been a costly and complex undertaking for the previous owner so I am wondering if the air pump and fitting you refer to is for something other than an air brake setup for a towed car. Perhaps the air pump was installed to provide a source for compressed air for tire inflation.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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