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Compatibility of Curt Easy Mount Bracket on Draw-Tite Trailer Hitch and J-Pin of 2015 Subaru Outback  


The Easy Mount Bracket is further away from the rear of the car as compared to the No-Drill bracket, the 4-pole connector and the black and blue wires from the ETBC7 do not reach the rear-most cutout plug in the bottom of the spare tire well in the Outback. Therefore, the connections have to be made outside/below the vehicle. Do you have a recommendation to better protect those connections from the elements? Alternatively, would you recommend my drilling out a new cutout in spare tire well that will allow for all connections to be secured within the car? I am somewhat hesitant to do the latter, as it creates a new opening to the elements. However, perhaps I can find a grommet/plug that is similar to those already provided in the Outback. Thanks.


Expert Reply:

The Curt Easy Mount Bracket for 4- or 5-Way Flat and 6- or 7-Way Trailer Connectors - 2" Hitch # C58000 is a great option for you and won't interfere with your J-Pin # 63201. This mount fits the collar of the hitch snugly so it will not interfere. This combination will give you the stability you desire for your ball mount, the location accessible for your 7-way connector, and compatibility with the Draw-Tite Trailer Hitch # 76227 on your 2015 Subaru Outback

expert reply by:
Jason S



The Easy Mount Bracket is further away from the rear of the car as compared to the No-Drill bracket, the 4-pole connector and the black and blue wires from the ETBC7 do not reach the rear-most cutout plug in the bottom of the spare tire well in the Outback. Therefore, the connections have to be made outside/below the vehicle. Do you have a recommendation to better protect those connections from the elements? Alternatively, would you recommend my drilling out a new cutout in spare tire well that will allow for all connections to be secured within the car? I am somewhat hesitant to do the latter, as it creates a new opening to the elements. However, perhaps I can find a grommet/plug that is similar to those already provided in the Outback. Thanks.

Jason S.


Sorry to hear it wasn't a simple solution to add the Curt bracket. The # ETBC7 kit you used allows you to cut the wire for the black (12V power) and blue (brake controller output) wires of that 7-way to whatever length you needs, so it sounds not enough length was accounted for. These wires are always run on the outside of the vehicle, so it won't add any more exposure to the elements to trade the wires out or simply add a small section with a couple heat shrink butt connectors. You can simply get # 10-2-1 wire sold by the foot and then use heat shrink connectors # DW05745-5 to add either a small section of wire or a longer section to give you the option of location preference for those connectors.

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