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How Does the Dutton-Lainson Electrical Quick Connect # DL24086 Wire Up  


Hello, I have the connectors but no instructions - a picture process would be ideal, but I cant figure out how they work. I first attached the connectors to the 8 qauge wire and then ed them into the plastic connector, but they wouldnt clip together and stay so it was obviously wrong. So I took the connectors off to see if I needed to thread the wire through the plastic connector first, then attach the metal connector - but that didnt look right either. Any step by step instructions or ideally some pictures would be great! Thank you very much!


Expert Reply:

I attached a picture of the installation instruction page from the Dutton-Lainson Electrical Quick Connect # DL24086 that you referenced.

It looks like you will need to cut the wires and strip the wires back 1/2 of an inch. Next you will need to put the wires into the contacts and then solder the wires into the contacts. Do not crimp the wires, these connectors are for soldering.

Once the solder joints have cooled push the wire and contact assemblies into the housings with the lips of the connectors facing the opposite direction of the side of the plastic assembly with the positive and negative signs on them.

You will want to make sure the lips of the contacts snap and lock into the spring clips in the housing.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
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