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Blue Ox Sway Pro Weight Distribution Recommendation for Trailer Trailer with 4,080 GVWR  


I am trying to decide on which Blue Ox Sway Pro unit to . BXW0550 or BX0750? I have a 2004 Ford F150 Heritage now, but I will be replacing it with maybe a new Ford Explorer that has a maximum tongue weight of 500 lbs. My 19foot travel trailer has a dry weight of 3400lbs and a GVWR of 4080. Is it better to a unit close to the capacity rating or should I have extra capacity even though the new vehicle cant handle more weight.


Expert Reply:

Ideally you want your loaded tongue weight to fall right in the middle of the tongue weight range of a weight distribution system. Since trailer tongue weight is typically 10-15 percent of the total trailer weight the Blue Ox Sway Pro part # BXW0550 would be the better option as it has a range of 350 lbs - 550 lbs which seems to be a better fit for the weight of the trailer you listed as well as the towing capacity of the Ford Explorer you mentioned.

If you need a higher range though the part # BXW0750 has a range of 550 to 750 lbs.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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