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How Long Do the Wheel Bearings Last in the Yakima Rack and Roll Trailer  


Am looking @ the Yakima Rack and Roll Trailer. Before I purchase have a question about the wheel bearings. I note that the bearings are sealed and there are 2 per axle/wheel. Have you all encountered any problems with the bearings overheating, etc. What is the anticipated life span of these bearings? How often should the bearings or entire wheel assembly be replaced. am fearful that bearings/axles may over heat and fail. What type of feed back have you received?


Expert Reply:

Since we have started carrying the Yakima Rack and Roll trailer # Y08107 I have not heard any complaints regarding the wheel bearings failing and only a few instances where people wanted to replace the wheel assembly. If you need to replace your bearings you'll need to source them since Yakima doesn't carry any and we don't carry the proper size bearings that fit.

Should a wheel ever need to be replaced it is # Y08121.

The trailer has a 250 pound capacity but that can be increased to 350 pounds using the HD shock kit # Y08110. Considering the low amount of weight and the high quality of this trailer it is much less likely to have bearing problems than regular trailers. Customers who have purchased and used these trailers have provided an impressive near 5-star rating so I do not anticipate that you would have any problems! I have linked a couple of videos on this trailer for you.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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