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Titan Chain Winch and Load Binder Tightening Bar - Combination Style - Black
Titan Chain

Titan Chain Winch and Load Binder Tightening Bar - Combination Style - Black

Part Number: TCLRWBC-B
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Lashing Winch
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Titan Chain Lashing Winch - TCLRWBC-B
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This winch bar assists in tightening and releasing the tie-down winch on your flatbed truck or trailer. Boxed end works with winches, while lever end works with chain binders. Durable steel construction has a black finish. Fastest Shipping and Great prices for Titan Chain Winch and Load Binder Tightening Bar - Combination Style - Black. Read our customer reviews of Titan Chain lashing winch. Call 1-800-940-8924 for expert service or order your lashing winch part number TCLRWBC-B by Titan Chain online at
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Titan Chain Lashing Winch - TCLRWBC-B

  • Tightening Bar
  • Titan Chain

This winch bar assists in tightening and releasing the tie-down winch on your flatbed truck or trailer. Boxed end works with winches, while lever end works with chain binders. Durable steel construction has a black finish.


  • Winch bar is required to tighten and release your tie-down winch
  • Combination style
    • Tapered end inserts into endcap of flatbed truck and trailer winches for easy ratcheting of strap
    • Boxed end slides over the lever of a chain binder for added leverage when securing a load with chain
  • Durable steel construction
  • Black painted finish


  • Overall dimensions: 31-1/2" long x 1-3/4" wide
  • Tapered end diameter: 15/16"
  • Weight: 5.85 lbs
  • 30-Day limited warranty

LRWBC-B Titan Chain Winch and Load Binder Tightening Bar - Combination Style - Black

Video of Titan Chain Winch and Load Binder Tightening Bar - Combination Style - Black

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Checking Out the Titan Chain Winch and Load Binder Tightening Bar

Hi there. I'm Michael with Today, we're gonna take a quick look at this Titan Chain winch and load binder tightening bar. This is going to allow you to tighten and release your tie-down winch and chain binder on your flatbed truck or trailer. This is a combination style, so you're gonna have different fittings on each end. So, our 5/16 inch diameter tapered end is going to insert into the end cap on your flatbed truck or trailer winches for easy ratcheting of the strap.

And then the boxed end is gonna slide over the lever of a chain binder for added leverage when securing a load with a chain. So, you can kind of see those images there, how this is going to work with your load binder and winch. This is a nice, durable steel construction, so it is gonna hold up really well for you, give you nice strength as you're applying that leverage. It does have a black paint on it to help resist rust and corrosion. And as far as our overall dimensions go, we're looking at right at 35 1/2 inches long.

Our boxed end here is going to be our widest point and that's just under two inches. I'm gonna call it an inch and 7/8 of an inch wide. And this weighs just under six pounds. So, it's not gonna be a a whole lot for you to manage and work with but it will provide that leverage that you need to get your tie-down winch and chain binder tightened and released. So, that completes our look for today.

Again, I'm Michael with Thanks for watching..

Customer Reviews

Titan Chain Winch and Load Binder Tightening Bar - Combination Style - Black - TCLRWBC-B

Average Customer Rating:  4.9 out of 5 stars   (10 Customer Reviews)

This winch bar assists in tightening and releasing the tie-down winch on your flatbed truck or trailer. Boxed end works with winches, while lever end works with chain binders. Durable steel construction has a black finish.



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