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Troubleshooting 2020 Ford Expedition Charge Line Kit Not Working After Hitting a Big Bump  


I have the roadmaster brakemaster installed with a charge line kit. I hit a large bump in my rig and the indicator light on the dash now flashes dimly with the turn signals and flashers. It still lights up bright when brakes are applied. When I disconnected my toad the batter was dead on my expidition. I checked the charge kit and it worked. Jumped my expo amd it is keeping a charge. It flashes when not hooked up to the vehicle lighting and only hooked up to the connecting wire for the brake system. I checked it using the vehicle flashers, but the indicator light did not flash. Only when the MH flashers are used. It is a barely visible flash. Any ideas?


Expert Reply:

Hey Ryan, thanks for reaching out!

I know this won't be the answer you want to hear, but ultimately what you'll need to do is inspect all of the connections of your installation for the Roadmaster BrakeMaster # RM-9160, the Charge Line Kit # RM-156-25, and the Flexo-Coil Wiring Kit # RM-15267 to see if anything has become loose on your 2020 Ford Expedition as that's what sounds like has happened.

I would start with anything directly connected to your battery and then move on to the whole charge line kit, then the Flexo-Coil kit, and if you're still having issues it wouldn't be a bad idea to look at the BrakeMaster. Hitting a bit bump and then experiencing issues means a connection has become loose or something has jumped out of place which is why you'll have to visually inspect everything.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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