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Replacement Gen-Y 5th Wheel Pin Box For A Lippert Rhino Bolt Pattern  


Hello, I have a Reese 20K sidewinder hitch I used to have a 20K pullright in a F150 short bed. I have upgraded my truck to a 2020 Silverado 2500HD with a CURR A25. The sidewinder wedge rotary wheel is damaged and does not function allowing the wedge to properly seat behind the kingpin. Im looking at the Gen-Y, but cannot figure out what type of pinbox I have. The sticker is kind of faded, but what I have been able to determine is S/N: S008661676, RPO-0008045045, LCI Item Number: 2021026709, Chassis MFG Date: 3/11/22. I appreciate any help you can provide.


Expert Reply:

Thank you for all the info John,

Based on the numbers you provided your pin box has a Rhino bolt pattern with a 21,000 capacity. To find the correct Gen-Y pin box we'll need to check your trailer's pin weight. If the pin weight ranges from 1,600lbs - 2,599lbs then you'll need part # GY86GR. If your pin weight ranges from 2,600lbs - 3,599lbs then you'll need the # GY78GR.

If your new Silverado has a short bed as well then you may need to swap out the base on your Curt A25 with a sliding base to ensure you have enough turning clearance. If this is the case then let me know if you are mounting into pucks or a base rail.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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