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Switching to Lithium Battery For Trailer  


I am looking to convert my Highland Ridge Utra Lite trailer. It currently has two Interstate Group 24 batteries. I know the charger also has to be changed. Can you provide me with what I would need for a complete change over. Thank you.


Expert Reply:

You will need a different converter charger if you are going to lithium batteries, which is what I believe you are asking. The right one will depend on how many amp hours you need though, like the 100 amp-hour # 34282738. I have added a link below to our selection of lithium batteries as well as a solar calculator which will help you determine how many amp hours you need if you are unsure.

Then for a lithium converter charger we have the Progressive Dynamics 9300 Series RV Converter Charger - 12V - 80A # PD89RR.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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