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Difference Between Titan Drum Brake Actuator T4500600 & T63FR  


Hi, I was told by your Chat person that the T4500600 brake actuator is identical to the T63FR actuator. Can you please confirm this? Also, could you provide the following dimensions for the T4500600 actuator: -Overall length? -Overall height? Thanks for any help


Expert Reply:

It is mostly true, but there is one difference between the Brake Actuator with Manual Lockout - Bolt On - Drum - 2" Ball - 7,500 lbs # T4500600 and # T63FR, which is one comes with the top Black Plastic Filler Cap for Titan 7,500-lb Brake Actuators # T097-022-00.

- Does Not Come With Filler Cap: Brake Actuator # T4500600

- Comes With Filler Cap: Brake Actuator # T63FR

That's the only difference, and otherwise the overall length of both is 22-3/4 inches, and the height is 4 inches.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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