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Portable Solar Panels for RV - What Do I Need  


Portable Solar Panels for RV. Trailer has a solar plug in receptacle. How do I determine minimum output for trickle charging RV battery when shore-line connection is not available?


Expert Reply:

What I think you are asking is how to determine the minimum amount of energy, by way of solar panels, that you need to have available to put back in to your battery. If your goal is to simply maintain the battery while the RV is in storage unable to connect to a functioning battery charger, then I suggest the OptiMate Solar Duo Portable Solar Panel with Controller for either 10 Watts, # MA69JR or # MA56JR for 40 watts depending on the size of your battery bank. If you have a single battery approximately 100 amp hour the 10 Watt, # MA69JR is sufficient while in storage. If your battery is larger, multiple batteries or struggle to maintain full sun, then I suggest the # MA56JR for 40 watts.

For a portable unit to deploy while using the RV in effort maintain a small battery bank for lights, entertainment center and recharging personal devices such as phones and tablets, I suggest the Go Power DuraLite Portable Solar Panel with Digital Solar Controller - 100 Watt, # GP66FR. Please check out the product review video that I have attached along with some help articles.

The attached articles will help to walk you through the steps of determining how much energy you use and therefore how much you will need to restore. Figuring out how much energy you use in a day means looking at your battery and determining how charged (or not) it is. You never want to drain your lead acid battery lower than 50%, as this can damage the battery and shorten its lifespan. Once that is discovered then sizing the panels can be determined if your goal is to support harvesting energy from solar while your RV is in use.

expert reply by:
Michael R

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