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Maxxfan 7000K Not Lifting With Remote Controller  


Hello, I am sure you have answered this before but one more time please. I have a 7000K that seems to function fine in every way but one. I cannot get it to open or close via the remote control. I can operate the manual knob to open and close the top. Thank you for your help.


Expert Reply:

There's a few reasons why this could be happening to your MaxxFan Deluxe Roof Vent w/ 12V Fan, Thermostat, and Remote - Powered Lift - 10 Speed - Smoke Item # MA00-07500K:

First ensure that the remote has good batteries in it and is functioning properly with the other buttons. If not then you'll need a replacement remote # MA00A01150K

The remote sends an infrared signal to the sensor in the fan. If it's not getting a clear enough view to the sensor that could cause it to not work.

The lift arm could also be broken and the replacement is the Replacement Lift Arm for MaxxFan Roof Vents
Item # MA10-20222KS

The lift motor could be damaged. The replacement for that is the Replacement Lift Motor for Maxx Fan Plus Roof Vent Item # MA10-20270

If none of this fixes the issue let me know and we can investigate further.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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