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What Type of Battery Works Best for Powering Trailer Interior Lights  


This question is similar to a previous question asked. However, I meed to know more. Running the 4 pin wire to the battery on the trailer then wiring to fuse box for the work lights. I understand this part. Now, what size battery would be recommended? Also, will the 4th pin wire charge the battery on the trailer when connected to truck? What I need is a least 6 hours of power to the led work lights at the very least without having to have the truck connected or running. Is this possible?


Helpful Expert Reply:

If you installed a decently sized deep cycle battery on your trailer you wouldn't have a problem powering the LED lights of it for the length of time mentioned since LED lights draw a fraction of the amperage as incandescent. Group 24, 27, and 31 are very common sizes that would work great for this scenario.

Normally the pin of a 7-way that carries the 12 volt circuit is the pin in the 1:00 position which would be rated to put a maintenance charge on the battery but would not fully charge a drained battery.

The CTEK charger part # CTEK56353 would be your best option to keep the battery charged between use of the trailer as it will fully charge it and keep it topped off until it's time to use it.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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