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Quality Comparison Between Thule XT Roof Cargo Boxes and Malone Cargo Boxes  


How does this box stack up against the Thule Force t or Motion I’ve seen many reviews where the Motion cracked, a bit worrisome? It looks nice and has the same cargo weight capacity. I’ll be using it on a 17 Chrysler Pacifica, and only once or twice a year. Price is not a huge concern, but the savings the Malone presents over either Thule is difficult to ignore.


Expert Reply:

When it comes to overall quality, design, and ease of use you really can't beat Thule cargo boxes like the Motion XT part # TH629806 or the Force XT part # TH6358B. Thule has been making cargo boxes for a very long time and over the years they've kept raising the bar for how nice the boxes can be. They are expensive for sure, but they are the best you can get.

The Malone Profile18B Rooftop Cargo Box # MPG911 is a solid value for a solid box, but at this point you already spending quite a bit of money for this box so you're going to be best off going with the Thule options. Especially if the plan is to use the box for several years. If the cargo box needs are short term then the Malone will be a great option, but if you see yourself using a roof box for some time I'd strongly recommend the Thule investment.

I attached review videos for all three boxes for you to check out as well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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