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Comparing Thule AeroBlade Crossbars vs WingBar Evo Crossbars  


apart from the name change what is the difference between these two bars. what benefit would i get from switching


Expert Reply:

Aside from a slight change in the appearance of the crossbar (the WingBar Evo has some boxed edges as opposed to the completely smooth front of the AeroBlade) the biggest differences are the rubber strip on top of the crossbar and the weight capacity.

The older AeroBlade crossbars have a solid rubber strip that inserts into the top channel which would need to be cut for accessories to fit. Thule eliminated the need to cut the rubber strip on the WingBar Evo, like part # TH711420) by using a 2-strip design where the mounting hardware for accessories that fit in the T-Slot fit between the rubber strips.

The WingBar Evo crossbars have a weight capacity of 220 lbs whereas the AeroBlade weight rating was at 165 lbs. Part of this was due to most vehicles having a max rating of 165 lbs for the roof though so a lot of roof rack manufacturers didn't even test past 165 lbs. Thule has done extensive testing on the WingBar Evo so that it can withstand higher weight ratings when necessary.

I have attached pictures of both the WingBar Evo and the AeroBlade as well as review videos so that you can see the slight design change and the difference between the top rubber strips.

expert reply by:
Jon G
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Marc-antoine M. profile picture

Marc-antoine M.


HiAre the slots under the bar still the same lenght ?

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


The strips themselves are different (as Jon explained above) but the length remains the same. They don't run the entire length of the bar like some from other manufacturers.
Mike profile picture



Hi, recently bought the Thule Evo wingbar, but would like to know does Thule make a fairing to work with the wingbar? Btw, I have 2016 Honda CR-V; thanks for the help

JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


According to Thule the correct AirScreen for your 2016 Honda CR-V is the 38" part # TH72WV.
Mike profile picture



@JonG Awesome, thanks Jon! I did notice on the Thule site that it mentioned your answer but a lot of their sites state you can’t use a fairing or it’s not clear if you can use a fairing. Good to have reassurance there is a fairing out there
Bart profile picture



I just installed the Wingbar Evo 135 on my 2015 Honda Accord and I would like to purchase a fairing. The Thule website says their fairings do not fit the Wingbar Evo. Is there a Thule option that would work? Thanks.
See All (8) Replies to Mike ∨
Smj profile picture



Will the Thule Evo Flush Rail towers work with the older Aeroblade bars?

JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


@Smj I've been told by Thule that the AeroBlade crossbars won't fit with the newer Evo legs, but the WingBar Evo crossbars have been paired with the older style of legs pretty consistently by Thule. I personally haven't been able to test backwards compatibility with the AeroBlade bars and Evo Legs so I unfortunately can't give my honest findings other than that Thule says they won't work together.
IW profile picture

I W.


I test with Aeroload and Aeroblade is work perfectly
JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


@IW Awesome, thank you so much for the feedback!
Two K. profile picture

Two K.


two think the problème the wingbar 1- the strip on top when a have pression is broke very easy and is 50$ to replace but the old is more strong. 2- the majority fit kit with the foot the max 75kg or 165 lbs

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