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Weight Distribution System Needed for 3,000 lb and 6,000 lb Trailers  


I currently have a Jayco 154BH small travel trailer 15 foot...about 3K pounds and about 300 pounds on the hitch. I am currently using a Ford F150 to tow and Ill have about another 100 over the hitch. I currently use a Curt friction sway bar only. This setup has been good so far, but I will be starting a lot of cross-country travel, and I am looking at within a year moving up to a 24-26 foot travel trailer in the neighborhood of 6K/600 pounds. What Im looking for is a recommendation on a weight distribution system that I can use now and later...with or without sway controls.


Helpful Expert Reply:

I can help you find a Weight Distribution (WD) system that works for you, but since it looks like you will have a pretty big range of weight capacities it is impossible to use the same WD system without changing out at least the arms.

You will want to choose a WD system with a Tongue Weight (TW) range that the Total Tongue Weight (TTW) of your towing setup falls in the middle of. To find the TTW of your towing setup you will need to add the TW of your fully loaded and ready-to-go trailer along with the weight of any cargo behind the rear axle of your tow vehicle. Keep in mind that a properly loaded trailer will have a TW that is 10-15% of the loaded weight of your trailer.

If your trailer has a TW of 300 lbs when it is fully loaded and you have 100 lbs of equipment behind the rear axle of your Ford F-150 then you need a WD system that covers the 400 lbs in the TW range. If the 600 lbs TW of your future trailer is with it loaded then that means your TTW will be 700 lbs (with the same 100 lbs behind your rear axle) and you need a WD system that hits that weight capacity in it's TW range.

I recommend going with a Blue Ox SwayPro Weight Distribution. The part # BXW0556 has a TW range of 350 lbs - 550 lbs which is perfect for your current setup. Once you get the bigger trailer then you simply need to upgrade the bars to part # BXW4006 for a TW range of 550 lbs - 750 lbs or part # BXW4007 for a TW range of 750 lbs - 1,000 lbs.

Not only are the bars interchangeable but this system also includes a built-in anti-sway system that will work better than your current Curt Friction Sway Control # 17200 and will allow you to backup without disabling anything.

I have attached a few review videos for you to check out as well as some helpful articles that you can reference.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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