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Recommendation for Removing Plastic Core and Replacing with Keyed Alike Thule Lock Cylinders  


I have Thule locks I want to install in the 3142 feet. The lock installation video says to break out the plastic s covering the lock housing with the master key or a screwdriver. But the plastic s on my unit look different from those in the installation video, which uses a H460R foot in which the s are just blank pieces of plastic . The 3142 s have a screwdriver slot in a swiveling piece that moves from lock to unlock. Before I ruthlessly and forevermore pry out these s I want to make sure thats the right thing to do. It feels wrong to me. I need reassurance or other direction. Thanks!


Expert Reply:

For your crossbar towers, I recommend you use the Master Key in the Thule One-Key System Lock Cylinders - Qty 4 # TH450400 remove the locking plug. The plastic plug should be rotated to the unlock position and then pulled out. The new locking cores can then be installed to allow you the security you desire. I've attached a video to assist.

expert reply by:
Jason S
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Joe S. profile picture

Joe S.


You people are too greedy and too expensive!!! You want me to order all the critical parts seperately...crossbars, mounting pods, adapter brackets, key locks, etc. Nothing is included in one single kit. By the time I am finished, I have paid almost $1000 for a simple two crossbar roof rack. Forget it! I will use foam sponge blocks instead.

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


I definitely understand the sticker shock on some of the roof rack setups available. The premium systems do carry a higher price tag (and typically aren't sold as an all-in-one kit), however there are usually other crossbar options that provide great quality at a friendlier cost. If you haven't already I do recommend going through our vehicle fit guide on the site to see all of the available solutions. Foam block setups like # MPG152 that you referenced are a really good alternative as well if you don't plan on using them every weekend.

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