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Wiring a Camper Shell Third Brake Light on a 2017 Chevrolet Silverado  


I have a 2017 Silverado that Im putting my old topper on. I need to wire the center overhead brake light on the topper topper already has the light and it is wired. The truck has a signal control box or whatever mounted above the spare, i assume theres a simple plug and harness that can tap into that controller and then the rest is easy. Where do I locate that part?


Expert Reply:

I've never heard of an actual third brake light connector on a camper shell to plug in on a truck and we don't carry any parts to do that. The light generally needs to be hardwired into the truck's brake light circuit.

The issue with this on your 2017 Chevrolet Silverado the brake light and turn signal circuits are combined on one wire. So if you just wire it in the camper shell's brake light will also flash with the turn signals. To solve this issue we recommend using a vehicle to vehicle adapter, like the Curt # C56196, that connects to your truck's combined wiring and separates the brake and turn signal circuits.

On the input side our truck's left turn and brake circuit gets spliced into the yellow wire, the right turn and brake circuit to the green wire, and the white is grounded. Then on the output side the red wire goes to the third brake light and the green and yellow wires are capped off and not used.

See the picture I've attached.

expert reply by:
Charles S
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Neil S. profile picture

Neil S.


Hi and i just installed a leer topper on my 2017 1500 crew cab silverado. i need to wire the third brake light and the inside cap light. Please advise thank you

LesD profile picture

Les D.


@NeilS We are not familiar with this process as we do not sell pickup toppers. Seems like the easiest way would be to splice into the brake light circuit either at one of the rear lights themselves, or at the wiring to the tow lighting wiring near the rear of the truck.
NeilS profile picture

Neil S.


@LesD I must not understand, you sell logic boxes, diodes, signal blocks, wiring and you have no parts recommendations at all?
LesD profile picture

Les D.


Ok, sure, for wire you can use # DW02359-1 and # SWC502905-1 splices. You do not need all of that other stuff.
See All (4) Replies to Neil S. ∨

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