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Determining Replacement Tire and Wheel for Cargo Trailer  


Will your tire in article fit this trailer? I have tried to get a break down on the tires that comes with this trailer but the numbers I find are not as specific as your numbers in regards to height and width of tire. My tires now are Carlisle 4.80-12 LCR SPORT TRAIL LH. The tire I like to replace for this trailer are your tires number code,,,TA43RR with 5 on 4 1/2. With this trailer I am only Towing bicycles, golf clubs and smaller items like this approximately 300 miles at speeds at times of 70 to 75 miles an hour . Thank you for your time on this matter .


Helpful Expert Reply:

To replace the existing 4.80-12 size tires on your Carry-On utility trailer, I recommend the Taskmaster Bias Trailer Tire, 4.80-12, Load Range C # TTWSF48012C. For this tire mounted on a wheel with a 5 on 4-1/2 inch wheel bolt pattern you can use the Taskmaster 4.80-12 Bias Trailer Tire with 12" White Spoke Wheel, 5 on 4-1/2, Load Range C # AM30660. This tire and wheel combo will work well to replace existing 4.80-12 size tire and wheel with 5 on 4-1/2 inch wheel bolt pattern.

The # AM30660 tire and wheel combo has a load rating of 990 pounds at 90 psi. With 2 of these tire and wheel combos you will have a 1,980 pound weight capacity when the tires are inflated to 90 psi. Additionally, this tire will provide you with the speed rating you are looking for, having a speed rating of 81 mph. I have attached a review video of this tire and wheel for you.

The # TA43RR is a 13 inch wheel with a different size tire than what is on your trailer. Because of the hub on the trailer, it is not always possible to upsize from a 12 inch wheel to a 13 inch wheel. I recommend staying with the size wheel and tire that came with your trailer.

expert reply by:
Victoria B

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