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Hopkins Backup Sensor Alert Beeps when Exiting a 2015 Chevy Silverado 1500  


On a 2015 Silverado the reverse lights come on when you turn the truck off for exit lighting. By wiring the reverse sensor into these lights it causes the sensor to beep when you get out of it for the time that the lights stay on. Is there a way to wire around this and still maintain the exit lighting?


Expert Reply:

On the Hopkins Backup Sensor System # HM60100VA it should only beep if it detects something at the back of the vehicle within the range of the sensors. Just having power to the system should not set off the alert.

You can try to wire it into the running light circuit instead but you could run into the same problem at night if another vehicle is close enough.

You might want to try to adjust the sensors up or down as needed because they might be sensing part of the truck and giving a false alert.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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