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Brakemaster is Draining Battery on a 2008 Saturn Vue  


I have a 2008 Saturn Vue XR and had the 9160 Brakemaster installed by Camping World mechanics and techs. I did not use the car for about 5 days. Went to use the car and my car battery was dead. I took car to my local GM service center and they tell me there is a draw on the battery. They say it has something to do with the Brakemaster system, as it is drawing about 400 milliamps and there should not be a draw of more the 50 milliamps. Can you share any explanation for the supplemental braking system drawing down the battery when not being used in the car?


Expert Reply:

This is strange because the Brakemaster, # RM-9160, has only one electrical component and that is the breakaway switch. It would not draw any power unless you pulled the pin out. If it is drawing power then something is either wrong with the switch or there is a wire somewhere that is possibly damaged and shorting out. But that would draw more current than 400 milliamps.

You can disconnect the breakaway switch from the vehicle battery and see if that stops the draw on the battery. Also, when flat towing your 2008 Saturn Vue it looks like you will need to pull a fuse. Consult the owners manual to confirm. Using a fuse bypass, # RM76511 makes this as easy as flipping a switch.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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