X track cargo organizer starter bundle lets you create anchor points and secure your gear on your trailer or in your workshop. The rails mount horizontally or vertically, and they accommodate any X track or E track strap, anchor, hook or accessory.
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Randy: Hey guys, it's Randy here at etrailer.com. Today we're going to be taking a look at an X-Track cargo starter bundle from CargoSmart. Essentially, we're going to give you everything you need to get started with your X-Track and figure out exactly what you're going to need in the future. Basically, we've got two nice long 60 inch pieces of X-Track. We're going to have two single connection points for X-Track. It's going to include two rope rings and also two nice heavy duty ratchet straps.
This is going to allow you to customize your trailer, whether you're going to be hauling cargo, maybe you're a tradesman and you've got a tool box in your trailer or other things that you need to secure down.Now, I really like X-Track. I think X-Track goes above and beyond what the E-Track from Erickson does. Essentially what we've got is instead of just a single up and down connection point, we can connect items either straight up and down, or we can connect them right and left. Now on straps I think that's really important. Being able to turn them one way or another.
We're not going to have any other side pull or any of the areas where we're trying to dig into that strap with our connection point. Also in the bundle, you're going to have the board holders. Now these can be used to make shelving. These can be used as load stops. We'll talk about them in just a few minutes, but you're also going to have two of those in there.
That way you've got kind of everything you need to get started with getting your trailer more organized and getting your cargo more secure.As you can see, the two straps really come in handy for most of your larger items and getting them in and secured. They're going to be a nice wide strap. Cargo Smart uses a very durable material so as it comes over edges and things like this, there's very, very little chance of that tearing or being damaged. You can see the handle itself is nice and wide. So if you're using gloves, no issue getting a hold of it there.
And then they've got the yellow zinc finish on it just to help resist corrosion and anything like that.Overall guys, I really like this kit and I think it's going to give you everything you need like we said before to get started. X-Track is definitely my favorite cargo management system. I put it all over my trailer. I think you're really going to enjoy it.Now when getting our track installed, of course, you need to pick your location where it's going to be most useful for you. We're going to be doing ours kind of horizontally right here. I'm going to take advantage of a couple of these factory screws, one here and one here. They're the right height. We know they're going into the framing on the wall. So these use Phillips sometimes they'll use square heads. So if you do this, just get the right bit. We want to do it so we can match it up on both sides of course. Let me get this up here.Now you certainly don't have to use already existing hardware, but it gives you a good guide. Now what we'll do is just go through and start getting the rest of our fasteners put in place. Now for where I go into the studs here, I'm going to use a self tapping screw. It's going to give us a lot of integrity and then we'll fill in the rest with just regular wood screws about every other hole. Now we got that one installed. We also have installed one of the smaller ones here. You can see we're using the same setup really. Self-tappers going into the framing of the trailer and then a couple of wood screws to get that integrity on the other side.Now take a look at the floor here. One thing to consider when doing this, you can use nuts and bolts too. We do have those quarter inch holes. We we're able to get this right down into the cross-member. So I think it's going to be nice and strong, but if you need superior strength, don't be afraid to use nuts and bolts here and then use a backing plate or a large flat washer on the backside to kind of spread it out a little further.This plywood on the floor here is as good three quarter inch heavy duty plywood. So I don't think have a lot of issues with these, but sometimes you'll run into problems where that stuff's a little bit thinner. So just be sure you're using enough protect or enough hardware to get up to the strength that you're looking for.Now when using the strap portion of the kit, in order to use it, we need to run our strap through the cam buckle. Go right through the center of that barrel. And we just push it right back over to the top. Nice and easy. And see it's going to slide through like that for us. And we just have to make our connection wherever on our X-Track that we want. Just want to pull out on that tab and rotate it and pull back at that point. inaudible 00:05:09 buckle. And as you can see, it's really nice and secure.Now inside a trailer, it's not all that important to get this tidied up. We can just set it back behind it. If you're going to be using it in the exterior of a trailer though, you definitely want to get it bundled up. Now the board holders I think are really handy in a lot of different situations. Something I often see customers use them for would be load stops. So, say we've got the front of our trailer loaded up and it comes here near the end of our X-Track, basically we can just place this anywhere in the track that we want. Uses the same connection point. Snug that right up against their items. Then we just put a two by four across it to keep anything from sliding rearward.Also, a lot of people like to do shelving in trailers, kind of like you see up front there. These make excellent, excellent shelving opportunities. You can place them up and down on each side, gives you a perfect spot to put your board around. And of course you need to support it a little bit on that backside, but standard clip, very heavy duty. So even making a work bench, or if you wanted to get a couple of them to make a bed out of, you can do that. Then you can see plenty of areas to then secure your board into place once you have it in there, if you decide to go that route. Rope rings are also something that's going to be in the bundle. And these are also extremely popular. It's going to give you a nice connection point for more standard type straps. Just about anywhere on that X Trek. You want to use it. This is one of the heavier ones I've seen has a nice large ring on it. Also, you can see there it's layered steel rather than just being like a hollow steel rebutted together. So it gives it excellent strength and durability. It'll work just the same way. Just slide it in and then that's going to give us a really nice connection point for a strap like what we're going to do here.You can turn it either way in the X-Track. I think that's a big benefit so you don't get any side pull out of it. We can extend that out to our second hook and just cam it down. So in this situation, if you have straps that you really like, and you want to use, you can use them. No problem. People will also use these for rope. You can run the rope through it and bring it back. So if you had a load, you're trying to secure it down. If you had your X-Track on the bottom, you can tie your rope off and then run it back and forth to give you great coverage on those more loose items.Well, guys, that's going to wrap up our, look at the starter bundle here. I really like the X-Track. I think you will too. I think it adds a lot of diversity to an otherwise pretty scarce area when it comes to tie downs. They get something you're really going to enjoy it in your trailer.
Average Customer Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (77 Customer Reviews)
X track cargo organizer starter bundle lets you create anchor points and secure your gear on your trailer or in your workshop. The rails mount horizontally or vertically, and they accommodate any X track or E track strap, anchor, hook or accessory.
nice rails good value
I haven’t installed them yet. Everything looks very strong and durable.
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