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Kwikee Steps LC3711363 Not Staying in Extended Position  


Hello again: I am having some problems with my newly purchased 26 series LC3711363 step. I wired it color for color the way my old step was wired, which worked perfectly. The motor works fine after changing the polarity. The step extends and retracts perfectly. The step switch keeps the step in the retracted position and not in the extended position. This may be the reason the ignition doesnt do anything, because the step is already in. I looked at your web site and read QandAs and a video, but my problem is not addressed. Will I need a 4-way pigtail, part 369243 - and how can I obtain one? I am anxious for your answers. Robert Hargrave


Expert Reply:

Hello Robert,

Sorry you're having this issue; so just to clarify, the # LC3711363 steps stay in the extended position automatically but when using the switch to extend it does not stay in the extend position?

expert reply by:
Kyle S
Robert H. profile picture

Robert H.


Yes: Simply put, when the door opens the step extends, and when the door closes the step retracts. The door switch does not lock the step in the extended position.

KyleS profile picture

Kyle S.


@RobertH Gotcha. So I contacted Lippert to see what they said, and they said to double check the power on the white wire of the connector plugged into the controller. There should be 12 volts in the on position, and 0 when turned off. If not, it could be an issue with the older wiring or a poor ground. They also pointed me to the following for testing procedures for a switch:
Robert H. profile picture

Robert H.


Kyle: 7/8/24 The problems continue. The following is a synopsis of the issue. I installed the new steps; matched wires by color. When I opened the door, the step retracted, leaving me nothing to step up on. Then I closed the door and the step came out. Opposite of its use. Obviously the step and door switch work. On page 13 of the manual it states that there is a possible polarity problem with some steps. So I transposed the motor leads and now the step goes out when the door is opened, and retracts when the door is closed. BUT THAT'S AS FAR AS WORKING RIGHT GOES. Now, when using the step lock to keep the step in the extended position, the step retracts. That's opposite of the need. Note also, the under-step light works opposite also: When the step is retracted the light comes on, and when extended, the light is off! THE CONTROLLER APPEARS TO WORK BACKWARD. I know all wires are correct, grounded, etc. Can the controller be tricked? ............. The controller, in my opinion, is suspect. * Thought * If the polarity were changed back, is there some cure for the whole unit to be reversed?

KyleS profile picture

Kyle S.


@RobertH I'm really sorry you are having the issues. Unfortunately I just don't have the knowledge to be able to diagnose this and have to refer you to Lippert (the manufacturer) technicians at 432-547-7378.

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