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Are There Any Weight Distribution Hitch Systems For Straight Tongue Trailers  


Do you sell a weight distribution hitch for a trailer with a straight tongue vs an A-Frame?


Expert Reply:

To attach a weight distribution hitch to your straight tongue frame you'll first need a pole tongue adapter to get mounting points for the WDH it connect to. Each adapter is brand specific so you'll want to choose the corresponding brand to the hitch you're wanting to use. We currently offer adapters for Blue Ox # BXW4023, Reese # RP58393, and Equal-i-zer # EQ95-01-5950.

Each of these will fit different a different range of tongue widths and heights so you'll want to also measure the tongue of your trailer to confirm fitment. Each work with specific hitches within their brands so you'll also want to check compatibility between the hitch and adapter. We'll also need to know your fully loaded tongue weight in order to determine the correct hitch for your trailer's needs. If you could provide me with the dimensions and tongue weight I'd be happy to lay out some options and give you my recommendation.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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