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What Size Fuse Kit to Use with Redarc Manager30 Kit  


I am converting my Opus OP15’s AGM batteries and charging system from 3 AGM to 3 Lithium Lion Energy UT 1300 batteries and utilize the Redarc Manager30 to manage the system. I plan to charge the batteries via solar power 3 x 100 watt solar fixed roof mounted solar panels plus a suitcase style 200 watt portable charger, DC to DC 2021 Sequoia is the tow vehicle and shore power. I also plan to reuse the existing inverter for 110 V appliances or shore power if plugged in. For the Manager30 and DC to DC charging from the tow vehicle, I plan to purchase the following: Redarc The Manager30 Battery Management System RED93FR Redarc Smart Start Battery Isolator 331-SBI12 60-Amp MIDI Fuse Kit 331-FK60 - Correct amp size? Is there anything else I should consider for the Tow vehicle DC to DC charging?


Expert Reply:

You did you homework, yes the 40 amp fuse size of part # 331-FK60 is correct to use with the Redarc Manager 30 system part # RED93FR and the Redarc Smart Start Battery Isolator # 331-SBI12. These three components would work well together and would be all that you'd need.

The Manager30 takes over as the solar panel regulator so the solar panel power that attaches to it would need to be unregulated.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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