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Rear View Safety Back-Up Camera Meant To Be Installed On the Back of a Motorhome  


I too ordered and installed this back-up Camera and the image is inverted on my monitor. My issue is that the camera is mounted on the back of the motorhome at the top of the back so that the camera needs to point down not straight outward. After taking the old camera out I see that the part number is MV1B12. The camera is mounted on the back of a FR-3 DS-30. I see that you have answered this question however there is no way to mount the camera hanging down. Is there a easy solution as I had to pull the 20m cable from the front monitor all the way to the back outside wall? A part number for a camera meant to be installed on a vertical wall pointing down?


Expert Reply:

The Rear View Safety Backup Camera # RVS-MV1 was designed more for vehicles like cars, not motorhomes. As such it is designed to be installed on and under-hang which orientates the camera differently than it would be on the back of a motorhome. There is not an "easy" fix/way to get the picture to flip.

You best option would be to use a camera designed to be oriented in the way you are needing, like the Rear View Safety Backup Camera # RVS-771. This camera can be mounted how you are needing on your motorhome and will not result in an inverted picture like the # RVS-MV1.

I have included the instruction manual for both the # RVS-MV1 and the # RVS-771. You can see that they are wired up very similarly and should not be too difficult to switch out.

expert reply by:
Scott S

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