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Troubleshooting Factory 4 Pole Trailer Connector on 2013 Ford Edge  


My used 2013 Ford Edge has what appears to be dealer/factory trailer wiring. Only the running lights are working. Presumably there should be signal light power on pins in the main harness connector but there is only running light power on any pins. Not sure why there are 10 pins in the connector Is there some component further forward in the vehicle I can test?


Expert Reply:

It's possible that you've got some blown fuses or relays in the distribution box under the hood. Check fuse locations 37, 53, and 63. If you have blown fuses, it's likely they were blown by short circuits in the wiring of the trailer towed by the previous owner.

If the fuses aren't the issue, rather than tracing the trailer wiring from the rear of the vehicle up front, you'll be better served by just abandoning the factory setup and installing an aftermarket trailer wiring harness like part # C56120.

The # C56110 you'd looked at is a fit for a Ford F-150, and wouldn't be compatible with your Edge. If you do find that you need to install an aftermarket wiring harness like the # C56120 I mentioned, you can see an installation video by clicking the provided link.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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