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Replacement Roof Rack Solution for Thule Tracker II Foot Pack 430 Needing Replacement Part  


I had this system installed in 2005 on a fiberglass cap on my F250. I understand that it is discontinued. I broke all four of the feet Part #8535122 that allow you to attach the load bars to the base TK1. All of the TK1 bases are fine and the load bars are OK. What is the best way to replace my roof rack? Option 1: FInd four new feet. I cant find any vendor that has them with whom Im comfortable dealing with. Im not into used part on eBay from some random vendor. Option 2: Replace TK1 bases with ones that fit in existing channel and get compatible feet and use existing load bars. Option 3: Replace TK1 bases with ones that fit in existing channel and get compatible feet and new load bars that are compatible with new feet and bases. In other words, all new except existing channels in my cap. Option 4: Thule has completely screwed me...and I have to basically replace everything. If this is the case, then I would be very much interested in a different manufacturer.


Expert Reply:

You're in a tough spot as Thule has basically phased out your entire roof rack setup from the feet, to the bars, and the fit kit. I wish I had something I could offer that was simple and easy but based on your situation I would go with option 4 and replace everything.

The best value on that is the Rhino Rack roof racks for factory tracks like the part # Y02-480B-NT for a 54 inch long bar setup. We also have 65 inch long with part # Y02-500B-NT. These kits fit the same channel dimensions you have and have a better bar shape that's more aerodynamic so it's a really great option.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
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