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The Charge Light for Engager Trailer BreakAway Kit Stays On All the Time  


When I first used this system the charging light only came on when the vehicle was started, it did not come on when the engine was not running even when the trailer was hooked up. Know the charging light stays on even when the trailer is not connected to the vehicle. There is rain water/condensation in the breakaway box is the box supposed to be waterproof, could this be the reason for the problem?


Expert Reply:

The fact that it is staying on even when the trailer is not connected is strange. According to the installation details linked for reference, if the trailer is connected to the tow vehicle, the yellow charging light will always be on. The light stays on just to show that the unit is connected and has power.

Since it is staying on, it has to be drawing power from the break away battery. The box is water resistant but not water proof. Moisture or corrosion build up in the box or wiring could cause a short circuit leading power to go to the light. You Could replace the box with the Hopkins Replacement box with LED Lid # HM20121.

You may also want to check that the battery is in good working order. An automotive parts store should be able to test the battery. If you need a new battery, you can use # HM20008.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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