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Hardware Needed to Install Older Thule Hullavator Kayak Rack in Thule Aeroblade Bars  


Hi I asked a day ago how to mount my old Hullavator on to the new Thule Rapid System kit 1855 that I bought from you recently. Jameson C. replied promptly and said to get hardware that mounts to channels in the bars but this roof rack bar does not have any channels! and the brackets I used to mount the Hullavator to the previous Yakima round bars on another car do not wrap around the Rapid System Kit 1855. Jameson said the Hullavator is designed to fit Thule Aeroblade bars and Im afraid that is not what I purchased, Car is a 2018 Honda CRV. What can I do, this bar system is supposed to be correct for m car. I sincerely hope you are not going to tell me the old Hullavator cant be used on this bar. Thanks, Nora this is not intended as a criticism of Jameson, Im just trying to solve this dilemma.


Expert Reply:

Your older style Thule Hullavator is designed to fit Thule Aeroblade bars but it mounts to them in the channels that are on top of the bars and not by wrapping around them. The bolts needed are part # 919061654 which then thread to the square nut # 853-7557 that slides into the top channel of the crossbar.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
Nora C. profile picture

Nora C.


Hi I asked a day ago how to mount my old Hullavator on to the new Thule Rapid System kit 1855 that I bought from you recently. Jameson C. replied promptly and said to get hardware that mounts to channels in the bars but this roof rack bar does not have any channels! and the brackets I used to mount the Hullavator to the previous Yakima round bars on another car do not wrap around the Rapid System Kit 1855. Jameson said the Hullavator is designed to fit Thule Aeroblade bars and Im afraid that is not what I purchased, Car is a 2018 Honda CRV. What can I do, this bar system is supposed to be correct for m car. I sincerely hope you are not going to tell me the old Hullavator cant be used on this bar. Thanks, Nora this is not intended as a criticism of Jameson, Im just trying to solve this dilemma.

JamesonC profile picture

Jameson C.


Looks like you actually have a set of Thule square crossbars on the roof of your 2018 Honda CR-V. So the correct replacement under bracket for your Hullavator 897XT then would be the part # TH8535860 which I confirmed is the correct fit.
Scott B. profile picture

Scott B.


Hi, I appreciate this forum and the ability to get answers from knowledgable people. I am trying to accomplish the same thing as Nora C (6 1/2 years later). I have an older Hullivator, which worked fine with my Yakima Roundbars. On my new car I have Yakima Jetstream aerostyle bars with a T-track on the top. I understand how the two parts mentioned above work in the T-track, I just dont see how they attach to the Hullivator base. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

JamesonC profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jameson C.


@ScottB Its been several years since I wrote this answer and access to the older Hullavator instructions isn't quite the same but from what I remember you should be able to unbolt the current hardware on the bottom of the carrier and then run the bolt through the top of it and attach it to the T-bolt that you will then attach into the top channel of the crossbar.
ScottB profile picture

Scott B.


@JamesonC Thank you. You are right, just removing the piece which normally wraps around the bar made it clear.
JamesonC profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jameson C.


@ScottB Awesome!

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