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Bike Rack Solution Coleman Sante Fe Pop Up  


I am looking for a way to connect my bike rack to my 1999 Coleman Sante Fe. I am looking at two different options. One is the dual hitch extender, which has the bike rack in between the vehicle and the camper. The other option is to mount the bike rack to the bumper of the coleman popup. Please let me know the best option.


Expert Reply:

I'd go with the bumper mount at the rear of the pop up. Between the trailer and the tow vehicle is a viable option but since some setups have limited clearance here it's harder to know for sure if that's a feasible option.

As long as you have a 4 inch boxed bumper the part # S80501 would fit and work well to carry a couple bikes.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
Rick S. profile picture

Rick S.


Regarding the Swagman Around The Spare Tire Deluxe 2 Bike Rack for Bumpers - if I have a 2" x 4" bumper is there any reason why I cannot put a piece of 2" steel or a piece of wood behind the bumper to make it 4"x4"? The bumper is continuously welded and definitely seems strong enough. This seems to be my last option as I do not have enough clearance for the Swagman bike bunk rack - unless i mount them on the roof of my TV.

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


I would hesitate to do this just because there's a possibility that the spacer comes loose at some point. The ride at the back of a trailer is pretty rough, and if that block starts to wiggle you could be in big trouble. Is there any way to relocate the spare tire so you can go with a more traditional rack?

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