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Is there a Way to Determine if a Trailer Grease Seal is Broken  


I believe I over pressured a seal last year using my EZ lube feature on my axles. It was very cold, so thinking back, the grease was most likely too thick causing extra pressure to purge out the old grease I spun the wheels as instructed as the grease was pumped in. In any case, if I did squirt some grease out the back of the seal, is the seal necessarily damaged and continue to leak grease, or would the leak be temporary? Just trying to figure out if I need to replace the seal. I have Dexter D44 4.4K axles.


Expert Reply:

Without pulling the hub off and checking the seal it is hard to say if it truly blew out the seal or if it was incidental leakage. The safe bet is to replace the seal. Since you have the Dexter D44 axle it will take a 10-19 seal. For a pair use # RG06-050. These are double lip seals which is what is used on EZ lube axles.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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