Protect your spare tire from dirt, water, and the sun with this vinyl cover. Heavy nylon thread helps ensure weatherproof seams. The arctic white cover fits 32-1/4" diameter tires.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Today we're going to be taking a look at part number CAM45341. This is the Camco vinyl spare tire cover. The vinyl cover is going to protect your tire from dust and dirt, water, and the sun's harsh UV rays. This one in particular is going to be Arctic White in color, it's designed to fit 32 and and 1 quarter inch diameter tires. Here on the backside it features a stretchable elastic cord, this is going to help secure the cover around spare tire, offering a snug fit. It also allows for easy installation and removal. On the inside of the cover, we're going to have a really nice soft non-scratch lining.
The cover itself is made from UV and water resistant fabric. It also features heavy nylon threading to help ensure weather proof seams and the exterior can be cleaned very easily. You can use a damp cloth to wipe it off and you can use mild detergent if you want. That's going to do it for today's look at part number CAM45341.
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Protect your spare tire from dirt, water, and the sun with this vinyl cover. Heavy nylon thread helps ensure weatherproof seams. The arctic white cover fits 32-1/4" diameter tires.
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