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Can Fastway ONEstep Wheel Chocks be Used With Leveling Blocks  


How would I set up the Fast Way One Step chock with levelling blocks?


Expert Reply:

That's a really good question, and while it may be technically possible to use the Fastway ONEstep Wheel Chocks for Tandem-Axle Trailers and RVs # FA84-00-4840 with blocks like the Ultra-Fab Leveling Blocks # UF48-979051, the issue is going to be how the ONEstep sets up.

You could set up the wheel chocks, and with them staggered put the ONEstep in between them, but blocks like the Ultra-Fab # UF48-979051 are designed for the tires to grip them, and since they aren't flat on the surface it would be difficult to get the ONEstep to flatten out, as they'd catch on the grip of the leveling blocks. You could do it, but you'd likely have to position them by hand and it is probably going to be a struggle.

For leveling blocks, I think you'd be much better off using a standard wheel chock, the Buyers Products 10" Wheel Chock # 337WC1086UWH.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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